Dividend Information
Dividend Policy
The Company considers it a top priority to secure returns for shareholders from its operations and has a policy of consistently distributing some of its retained earnings (profits) as stable dividends to shareholders. In principle, the Company plans to pay a year-end dividend each fiscal year, with the General Meeting of Shareholders as the body approving the dividend.
Based on this dividend policy, the Company plans to pay dividends after setting aside a portion of retained earnings as cash on hand for enhancing shareholders’ equity and as reserves for investing effectively in the Group’s growth, including in the development of stores for which growth can be expected.
The Company has established a provision in its Articles of Incorporation stipulating that the Company may issue an interim dividend pursuant to a resolution by the Board of Directors, with May 31 as the record date.
Result-dividend per share-fiscal year end

Result-dividend per share-total

Payout ratio